减压阀是采用控制阀体内的启闭件的开度来调节介质的流量,将介质的压力降低,同时借助阀后压力的作用调节启闭件的开度,使阀后压力保持在一定范围内,并在阀体内或阀后喷入冷却水,将介质的温度降低,这种阀门称为减压减温阀。该阀的特点,是在进口压力不断变化的情况下,保持出口听压力和温度值在一定的范围内。减压阀按结构形式可分为薄膜式、弹簧薄膜式、活塞式、杠杆式和波纹管式;按阀座数目可人为单座式和双座式;按阀瓣的位置不同可分为正作用式和反作用式。先导式减压阀当减压阀的输出压力较高或通径较大时,用调压弹簧直接调压,则弹簧刚度必然过大,流量变化时,输出压力波动较大,阀的结构尺寸也将增大。为了克服这些缺点,可采用先导式减压阀。先导式减压阀的工作原理与直动式的基本相同。先导式减压阀所用的调压气体,是由小型的直动式减压阀供给的。若把小型直动式减压阀装在阀体内部,则称为内部先导式减压阀;若将小型直动式减压阀装在主阀体外部,则称为外部先导式减压阀。 图14—2所示为内部先导式减压阀的结构图,与直动式减压阀相比,该阀增加了由喷嘴4、挡板3、固定节流孔9及气室B所组成的喷嘴挡板放大环节。当喷嘴与挡板之间的距离发生微小变化时,就会使B室中的压力发生根明显的变化,从而引起膜片10有较大的位移,去控制阀芯6的上下移动,使进气阀口8开大或关小、提高了对阀芯控制的灵敏度,即提高了稳压精度。200X减压阀,是一种利用介质自身能量来调节与控制管路压力的智能型阀门。用于生活给水、消防给水及其他工业给水系统,通过调节阀减压导阀,即可调节主阀的出口压力。出口压力不因进口压力、进口流量的变化而变化,安全可靠地将出口压力维持在设定植上,并可根据需要调节设定值达到减压的目的。该阀减压精确,性能稳定、安全可靠、安装调节方便,使用寿命长。减压阀主要控制主阀的固定出口压力,主阀出口压力不因进口压力变化而改变,并不因主阀出口流量的变化而改变其出口压力。适用于工业给水、消防供水及生活用水管网系统。
- 进口减压阀的安装和维护
3、减压阀为了防止阀后压力超压,应在离阀出口不少于4M处安装一个减压阀。 - 进口减压阀
- 进口蒸汽减压阀
- 进口气体减压阀
The German FRING valve is of the Asian and Pacific area fluid control domain one of main production and suppliers, the Base company is located at Frankfurt, the company devotes to the scientific research development fluid control valve, the production fluid control device system, has the production valve base in many countries. The company product s user involves the petroleum, the chemical industry, the electric power, the metallurgy, the drugs manufacture, food, the water treatment, the municipal administration to give draining water, the natural gas, the papermaking, the electronics industry, the building, the mechanical device necessary and so on domains.
The German FRING valve main product includes: Electrically operated valve, air operated valve, high temperature high pressure valve, ball valve, gate valve, reed valve, cut-off valve, check valve, regulating valve, solenoid valve, safety valve, needle valve, condensate trap |、 The draining valve, the stopcock, the diaphragm valve, the duck mouth valve, puts the material valve, the discharge valve, the respiration valve, the filter, the fire barrier, the throttle valve, the angle place valve, the by-pass valve, the wash water valve, the mud valve, the trip valve, the pressure relief valve, the tube to clamp the valve, the plunger valve, the bottom valve, to regard the mirror, the flange, the water power control valve, and so on serial productses.
﹙进口气体减压阀﹚德国进口阀门 - 德国福林(FRING)
﹙进口减压阀﹚德国进口阀门 - 德国福林(FRING)