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  • Dry Disconnect Coupler

  • 〖jidilmslg〗于2015-04-24发布,有效期2099-12-20天。
  • 所在地区:浙江省,该信息已被阅读次。
  • 移动电话:15990082032,联系电话:0571-85873698
  • E_mail:seliger@126.com
  • 产地:德国
  • 注意:咨询客服请说明,信息来自《中国环保信息网》。
    RS Dry disconnect couplings are designed for the quick and spill free connection and disconnection of hoses and pipelines. They are used by producers of ink, adhesives, fatty acids, pharmaceuticals, liquid soaps, petroleum, chemicals, agricultural and a wide variety of common caustic and specialty acids.dry disconnect adapt ;Industrial Couplings (DDC) used at depot sides, blending pits, internal handling.Dry Disconnect coupling/coupler in chemical industrydry-disconnect "dry break" hose couplings for bulk transfer of liquids, & high-containment split-butterfly valves for powders. 0571-85873698; info@rs-china.cn dry disconnects include Drylok type, Kamvalok type and Epsilon type , all suitable for a broad range of hazardous liquid applications. Dry disconnect couplings have been proven as a successful technology to help protect workers and the environment in the transfer of hazardous materials
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